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Aayirathil Oruvan (transl. One Man in a Thousand) is a 2010 Tamil-language action-adventure film[1] written and directed by Selvaraghavan and produced by R. Ravindran. The film stars Karthi, Reemma Sen and Andrea Jeremiah in the lead with Parthiepan playing a pivotal role. It is the first instalment in the two-part series, followed by
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2017/06/15 Download Latest Tamil movies, Tamil dvd movies, Tamil rip movies, dvd rip movies, dvd movies, avi movies, mkv movies, mpg movies. Download Torrent Aayirathil Oruvan [2010] [1CD Rip][Ayngaran][700MB][High Quality] or Download 1997/01/14 2017/09/22 Aayirathil Iruvar (English: Two in a thousand) is a 2017 Indian Tamil film written, directed and co-produced by Saran.The film features Vinay in dual lead roles and three newcomers, Samuthrika, Swasthika and Kesha Khambhati, as the female leads, while the director's regular composer Bharathwaj scores the music. . The film was shot primarily in Thirunelveli while filming took also place in 2016/03/09
2019/02/22 2017/09/22
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